Friday 23 November 2018

A letter to my daughter, Agam on Diwali 2018

Dear Agam

You are almost three now and too young to understand your father.But tomorrow when you will grow into a beautiful young lady you may question what I did for you ? I am not saying that you will surely ask this question but its just my insecurity of my career growth that I may not be able to fulfill all the materialistic pleasures which you may demand as per your age ,your peer group and then you may question that !

But my loving daughter at this tender age I am trying everything to make you laugh.I am 29 years old now and at this age every man of my age is working hard for making his career grow but I am trying hard to make you feel good and happy either you understand it or not .Baby ,I know you love lights on diwali thats only why I bought new lights and lighten our home .Now you may question whats the big deal in that as everyone has their homes lighted with lights during diwali ?But my dear princess ask this  to your mother because she may be the right person to answer this .I was very well aware that lights at home during diwali will make you happier only for a few moments but as i told you earlier your each happy moment matters to me the most otherwise I am a kind of person who not even bothered to put lights at my home even during my wedding celebrations,your mother holds that grudge against me.

Thats all for Diwali 2018 my loving daughter.May God bless you.

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