Sunday 30 December 2018

America's Loss Is Canada's Gain

After US President Donald Trump’s order to federal agencies regarding the Visa regulations, the situation could move ahead with an expected turnaround. The Buy American Hire American Order from Trump has sparked many as he exclaimed Visa’s to be provided only to the Highest paid and highest skilled persons. The H1B program provides to offer jobs for non-American workers in specialized fields of Engineering, Science and Information Technology. There is a vast difference in Governing policies of the United States and Canada. A Couple of weeks ago, Canada reiterated its stand to make it easier for Canadian Organizations to welcome internationally talented people. This was discussed during their Budget summit. Canada’s Global Talent Stream which comes under the Government’s Global Skills Strategy is set for action effective June 2017. As the US Government cancelling the Premium Processing Option of Visa applicants and with the H1B Visa type taking an approximate time span of 3 to 6 months for clearance, the vision of the Tech world is on Canada.
Canadian Visa selection is different from that of its US Counterpart. In Canada, the authorities select applicants based on merit and for H1B applications, lottery system of selection is handled. The demand exceeded supply by one third last year. For the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International Mobility Program(IMP), the Canadian Government has assured to offer $ 279.8 Million over the period of 5 years and $ 49.8 Million a year subsequently. From these mammoth programs the companies functioning in Canada might hire foreign workforce. As the Canadian Technology outfit is already under rapid growth, Trump’s decision and executive order’s every week prove as a pillar of strength for Canadian outfits. In an innovative and promising environment as such as this one, People from all over the world may well look ahead to Canada for their Future. Talented techies, fear not, many IT Corporations around the world and also those from the United States have planned to set up satellite offices in Canada.
Ivan Cardona, President of Opticca, a Consulting and Technology company in Montreal said “The crackdown seems to be focused on ensuring future H-1B visas apply only to highly skilled labor. This means foreign workers will likely have to develop an expertise in an emerging technology that is in high demand, or become an expert in a specific but mature solution with a low penetration of the market of the US, or become a very senior resource in your domain or vertical. This last scenario is harder to achieve as it requires a long term investment, we believe the change in laws could be a very big benefit for Canadian companies with large consulting practices, as well as the highly-specialized firms, because Canadian firms will still be able to continue to propose a mix of on-site and off-site resources.” The other important aspect of Working in Canada is the opportunity they’ve got of acquiring Permanent Citizenship. Usually well-educated and skilled employees looking for a future overseas might find their dream coming true in Canada.

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