Monday 14 January 2019

Trudeau Asked About Saudi Arms Deal, Immigration Policies At Regina Town Hall

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a town hall at University of Regina on Thursday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced blunt questions from people at a town hall meeting in Regina including one from a man who fears Canada's immigration policies are putting lives at risk.
The man told Trudeau that Canada's policy threatens freedom, that Islam and Christianity don't mix and that immigrants want to kill Canadians.
Trudeau answered by saying that Canadians can have confidence in the system and that immigrants help bolster the economy and make communities more resilient.
The prime minister was also challenged to explain why Canada is honouring a contract to sell light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.
Trudeau says the federal government is grappling with the details of a complex contract signed by a previous government and will continue to speak up for human rights.
Outside the meeting at the University of Regina some protesters held signs with slogans such as "Canada Needs Pipeline Jobs."

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